The 100 Greatest Movies Movies

Turkish Delight was voted the best Dutch film of the 20th century in a 1999 poll organized by the Netherlands Film Festival. Avanti Popolo was voted "Greatest Israeli Film of All Time" in a 2013 poll of 20 Israeli film experts by NRG Ma'ariv. Sholay topped the British Film Institute's critics' poll of "Top 10 Indian Films" of all time in 2002.

The next morning they are passed on the road by two men in a pickup truck who decide to scare the two longhairs by pointing a shotgun at them. When Billy responds with a gesture of defiance, one of the men fires a shot that hits him in the stomach. After trying to reassure his dying friend, Wyatt leaps on his cycle to ride off for help, but the truck has turned back, and this time the man with the gun takes deliberate aim and blasts Wyatt and his motorcycle off the road.

He runs away and manages to give the money to the girl before he is taken off to jail. The girl gets her operation and opens up a successful flower shop, imagining her benefactor in every rich young man who comes into the shop. Naturally, she does not recognize him, and laughingly offers him a flower and a coin. He refuses the money, but when she presses it into his hand, she recognizes him by the feel of his skin and is moved.

Up there for the most awaited movie of the year is the Knives Out sequel, for now known only as Knives Out 2. Bodies Bodies Bodies is one of the most unique, fun, and stylized horror movies in recent memory . Centered on a group of 20-somethings stuck in a mansion during a hurricane , the movie has twists and turns that you won't see coming.

Taking leave of his job, Lee reluctantly returns to Manchester-by-the-Sea to care for Patrick, a spirited 15-year-old, and is forced to deal with a past that separated him from his wife Randi and the community where he was born and raised. Bonded by the man who held their family together, Lee and Patrick struggle to adjust to a world without him. Francis Ford Coppola's epic features Marlon Brando in his Oscar-winning role as the patriarch of the Corleone family.

True story of the hazardous and daring wartime escape of a French officer from the condemned cell of a Nazi prison, with action set to Mozart’s Great C-Minor Mass. Rice farmers hire a band of samurai to defend them against marauding bandits in Kurosawa Akira’s influential epic, a touchstone for action movies ever since. Once a decade Sight and Sound asks critics to select the Greatest Films of All Time. In our biggest ever poll, conducted in 2012, 846 critics, programmers and curators from around the world nominated ten best movies ever made – and the results gave us a new top film, ending the 50-year reign of Citizen Kane. Action fans should have something to really marvel at with Havoc, coming from director Gareth Evans and starring the great Tom Hardy. Hardy is great actor—no one else could make the Venom movies work as well as they do—and this one will find him in John Wick-esque form as a detective uncovering conspiracy and corruption in a dangerous world.

Determined to help her, the tramp returns to the mansion, but the millionaire has sobered up and does not recognize him, so the tramp takes a job cleaning streets and gives the girl and her grandmother what money he can. By accident the tramp finds out they are behind in their rent and that there is a doctor in Vienna who can cure blindness by an expensive operation. Needing money in a hurry to help his friends, the tramp agrees to participate in a crooked boxing match for a cut of the winning purse, but his crooked partner is replaced by a legitmate fighter, who knocks him cold. Drunk again, he gladly gives the tramp $1,000 for the operation, but two crooks see the transaction and rob them. The tramp calls the police, but by the time they arrive, the crooks have vanished and the police arrest the tramp.

Incapable of voicing their feelings, Wyatt and Billy pay tribute to George by riding on to New Orleans and visiting the House of Blue Lights. Finding that neither the prostitutes nor the Mardi Gras festivities can overcome their moroseness, they go to a nearby cemetery to take LSD with two of the prostitutes. When the acid trip turns out to be a bad one that leaves Wyatt and Billy more despondent than before, they take to the highways again. Though Billy suggests they change direction and head for Florida, Wyatt senses the futility of continuing.

Bitingly satirical, darkly comedic and made with unmatched precision, Parasite doesn't just overcome the 'one inch barrier' of subtitles, as referenced in director Bong Joon-ho's acceptance speech – it obliterates it entirely. Steven Spielberg's epic drama tells the compelling true story of German businessman Oskar Schindler who comes to Nazi-occupied Poland looking for economic prosperity and leaves as a savior. Mr. Turner top movies explores the last quarter century of the life of the great if eccentric British painter J.M.W. Turner . Set in 1950s New York, two women from very different backgrounds find themselves in the throes of love. A young woman in her 20s, Therese Belivet , is a clerk working in a Manhattan department store and dreaming of a more fulfilling life when she meets Carol , an alluring woman trapped in a loveless, convenient marriage.

Eventually, Peabody shows up to verify everyone's identity, and after Baby and George stroll into the station, Susan, who has snuck out of a window, unwittingly captures the circus leopard. A few weeks later, Susan finds David, who has been jilted by Alice, working on his brontasaurus reconstruction at the museum. After presenting him with his bone, which George finally had returned, Susan informs David that she is donating a million dollars that Elizabeth has given to her to the museum.


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